1. Show Weekday (Mon)

Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "ddd")
Custom Date Formats
Copy and paste these Notion date formulas to customize your Notion databases. All the formulas below are based on the Date property.
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "ddd")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "dddd")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMM")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMMM")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "YYYY")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "W")
To display the label:
"Week " + formatDate(prop("Date"), "W")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "M")
To display the label:
"Month " + formatDate(prop("Date"), "M")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "Q")
To display the label:
"Quarter " + formatDate(prop("Date"), "Q")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "ddd, MMM Do YYYY")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "MM/DD/YYYY")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "DD-MM-YYYY")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMM DD")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMM YYYY")
Copy the formula:
formatDate(now(), "ddd, MMM DD, YYYY HH:mm A")
Copy the formula:
if(hour(prop("Date")) < 12, "Morning", if(hour(prop("Date")) < 17, "Afternoon", if(hour(prop("Date")) < 20, "Evening", "Night")))
Copy the formula:
format(round((toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) / 6) * 100)) + "%"
Copy the formula:
if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "0", "<S> M T W T F S", if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "1", "S <M> T W T F S", if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "2", "S M <T> W T F S", if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "3", "S M T <W> T F S", if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "4", "S M T W <T> F S", if(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d") == "5", "S M T W T <F> S", "S M T W T F <S>"))))))
Copy the formula:
if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) <= 2, "Early Week", if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) <= 4, "Mid Week", "Late Week"))
If your Week Start Day is Sunday
if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) == 0 or toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) == 6, "[Weekend]", "Weekday")
If your Week Start Day is Monday
if(toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) == 5 or toNumber(formatDate(prop("Date"), "d")) == 6, "[Weekend]", "Weekday")
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